Friday, December 19, 2008

So the next portion of my life is going to start on the 25th, my wonderful girlfriend is moving in with me. It's been two years and she's been wonderful. Yeah we have our problems, but who doesn't! Short of that we're perfect and best of all she's perfect. This will be our ultimate test. She is very shy and timid and as a result never had many friends. I can get jealous sometimes but I think this will solve a lot of our problems. This will be the start of a new chapter in the story of our lives. I think this will be the defining moment in my life where I can step up and be the man she wants me to be. I know it's in me it's just scared to take responsibility, scared to love, and scared to be close to someone. She has shown me so much and I've grown so much for the better with her. I love her and want to marry her soon, she's wanting wait naturally. That's fine. I'll wait forever for her. I love being in love it's the most amazing experience in the world and I do not believe that it is too rare, but it is not common enough. To the world I say " Fall in Love, you'll be happy for the rest of your life."

- Coffee Blogger

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